Mast Track Options
The Mast Modular System is a highly customizable lighting solution which uses soft lines to deliver unobstructed light where its needed most. It is ideal for use in hospitality and commercial settings where specific areas require illumination.
There are two track options available; one being a fixed track system and the other an adjustable track system. The fixed track uses a TT connection meaning that since the poles cannot move or rotate, there is a solid, stronger build. This requires less pieces as a single bar can measure up to 72”. With this system, only downlights may be used to highlight specific areas below.
The adjustable track uses an ITI connection and offers more range and versatility. The bars can rotate 360° for all around lighting and can employ a more intricate branched layout. However, since there are more moveable pieces, the connection is not as stiff as the fixed track system. This means that the tracks are much shorter with the longest bar measuring at 36”. However, for more complex designs and visual appeal, the adjustable track system may be the better choice for you.
Designing your space can be tricky with certain slopes, curves and corners affecting the type of lights you add. With the Mast System, you can overcome some of those hindrances. You can even mix the fixed system with the adjustable system; it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Check out some of these combinations for a new spin on your track connecting systems.

To order a custom Mast Modular System that is perfect for your space, please contact